
A Cafe that Makes You Charming

I had the best date with The Non-Scotsman a few nights ago. Really, I don’t know if it gets much better than this, only a mile or so from my doorstep.

Boat Street Café.

I'd been here a few nights ago for a glass of wine (during Happy Hour) with some girlfriends and immediately fell in love and had to go back for more. Lights are strung on the patio outside, windows are yellowed with candlelight, and you know even before you go that you are going to leave a more charming person than when you arrived.

They've been open for some time now, have a private dining area, cater, etc. They know what they're doing. The cocktails are French and delicious, the bread is from Columbia City Bakery, and their homemade preserves are to die for. You step off Denny Ave. and onto a backstreet of Paris; Nothing is tastier than easy conversation, with the person you love most, over artisan cheese.

The decor is a mix of rustic and bohemian French. The frames for most of their photos are old window frames, and I immediately rushed home to recreate it (think Earthwise and the Restore make this easier than pie - or, in this case, quiche). Give me a day or two to report the results.


  1. I want to go there tonight! Love the line, "Nothing is tastier than easy conversation with the person you love most...." Can't wait for the day Seattle is home and you are my neighbor!

  2. great blog.. Gonna have to steal that artisan cheese line ;)

  3. Let me know if you want to meet me there :)
