Family Tree

It's a Small World, After All
Warmth in Winter

I was honored to be a part of this little "save the date" video shoot with The Non-Scotsman the day before Thanksgiving. Many thanks to the friends at Oddfellows who let us clamber and climb all over their space to capture this gorgeous couple!

Seattle Looks Like Graham Baba

Curating A Song by the River

I'll be honest, I'm not drawn to the name of this spirited little shop in Madison Valley.
What I am drawn to is the organic and industrious sense of design and display this jewelry design gallery exhibits.

Right now, due to obnoxious road construction in front of her shop, she is putting lots online and then will celebrate the finished road with a big sale! Details on Seattle Met Magazine.
Curating A Cocktail

Only good can come from a place that infuses spirits with roses!

An Attempt to Curate My City

I desperately wanted to put up some photos from those trips, but realize that the scope of this blog is meant to focus me: “Seattle and her Surroundings.” And this narrow focus helps me to see and think creatively here at home – to look for the excellent, the charming, the intriguing. It gives me space and boundary.
So I made a decision: it is time to stay home and curate. I'm going to start recording a mixed-tape – a compilation – of some of my favorite Seattle places. Over the next two weeks I am going to take one spot every day and explain why I find it:
1. Excellent (possessing outstanding qualities that are impressive)
2. Charming (have some sort of magical quality or power that makes me want more)
3. Intriguing (accomplish something new and wonderful - or old and wonderful)
I am going to begin with a boutique I visited this weekend in Fremont: Les Amis , owned by tasteful guardian, Becky Buford.

2. Charming: It feels like you've stepped into a French countryside market full of things you want to cuddle and feel and wrap around your body. Cashmere and hammered metals. James Perse simplicity and local Seattle oddities.

Out of my Goldfish Bowl

The Seattle Popsicle Truck

Sitting outside on Capitol Hill the other day I had a genius idea...I think you'll agree it's brilliant.
An adult popsicle truck.


Choose Your Own Adventure