
The Birds & The Bees

A good understanding of that crucial life-lesson, "the Birds & the Bees" led me to yesterdays event: helping host a baby shower for one of my "loveliest" friends. On a sidenote, am I the only one who's wondered "Why birds, why bees, why together?"

Anyway, I took some vintage sketches of the two animals (also, are bees even considered animals?) and made up some invitations.*

I kept the little-tag theme going from the invitations to the seating cards...**

Now this particular friend loves all things French, charming, warm, and generally just "lovely," as she often says. She also harbors a delight in great children's books, so we requested each guest bring a copy of her childhood favorite, her classic.*** These were added to the Sholdt Family Library, and were stamped as such:

Rebecca's selections of fine teas, Jessica's homemade quiches, Le Panier brioches and macarons...yes, we showered...

(Two mothers-to-be, "lovely" on the right. 2010)

* Note: I'd arrived home the night before from the Motherland, so in my head I was actually serving dinner, not brunch
** Acknowedgement: A hearty thanks to the gentleman at Kinko's who helped print these invitations despite the fact that they were set up horrifically!
*** Note: We determined previously that a "good" children's book has memorable illustrations and does not try to sneak in some innane moral lesson (ie: eat organic, ride a bike to work, recycle).


Off to My Motherland

Can you guess where I'm heading in 6 hours?

I plan on feeling like this...

And stopping to smell roses, like this...

Someplace where this happens spontaneously...

And using these words...

Or perhaps words like va bene, prego, e troppo vino per piacere...to describe all of this I'm enjoying...

And eating lots and lots of this...

Can you guess the destination?